Sunday, May 21, 2006

Magic Thinking Promotes Transformation

When we are children, we are encouraged through fable and fairytale to think magicly (magic thinking).

As adults we are encouraged to forego imagination, fantasy, and magic thinking.

However, in Robertson Davies' "Deptford Trilogy", a Jungian path of personal transformation requires Magic Thinking.

While Jungian therapists might, in concert with the Freudians, warn of the pitfalls of "magical thinking"...

...they possibly could fail to note that MAGIC THINKING is the
sine qua non for personal transformation.

To transform must think magicly.


At 12:22 AM, Blogger Chaz LaBrock said...

Nicely said!

in an insane society the sane man must appear insane.

from a star track episode.
IM no trecky but they did come up with some good lines now and then.
magic thinking is as well creative thinking and it is the basis for all the things we modern monkeys enjoy.
too bad we have become so narcissistic as to kill fellow monkeys in order to preserve a fews way of life.

At 3:01 AM, Blogger VenusSpeaks said...

Yes, great to be reminded to think magic and think vision.

Thanks Chuck for your comment on "World Famine of Love" on Venus on Real Love
I have just posted 'Thought for the Day' if you care to read it.

Your site is nice and colourful and is well varied in topics of thoughts.


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