DUNEBUGGY died today
DUNEBUGGY (14 yo canine puppy-friend) died today...
Someday, maybe, I will tell his story (if, on my 'ayah-baba' plane, "DUNER" gives me permission...)
I'm not sure why, but all this GRIEF turmoil surfaces...so, let it flow, I guess...
Cathy, wife and friend, has been sharing immediate LOSS with me--e.g., we dined "out" and we hugged a bunch.
Duner's 'passing' is one more loss.
The loss of my friend, Mark, to cardiac arrest in his hotel room in Santa Cruz is yet one more loss.
There have been a BUNDLE (of "losses").
But the ETERNAL PROCREATOR AND PROVIDER is no swindler for s(he) resurrects what she takes unto HERself --keeping HOLI what she would cherish.
Trans.: "Creating anew from the chaos of thanatos"--even if EROS remains only as a cherished idealization (a la MAXFIELD PARRISH idealized themes).
This is not great writing; but, then again, I am not a writer--rather...i labor at writing!
Sorry to hear about your losses, my sympathies. Be well.
Chuck, I'm so sorry about your losses. Good friends of any species are so hard to come by.
marja-leena--thank you.
jess--amen...ain't that the truth!
It's a NEW DAY...so this day I begin again, and now DUNER 'sees the world through my eyes' (in a manner of speaking)...
I'm sorry to hear it, Chuck. It's hard and lonely and there is no such thing as being prepared.
LJ-My GRANDSON of 19-mos. is here visiting with his "mommy-daddy".
Watching "basketball hoop" with Kaz has been mucho gaiety... Mommy and Daddy are "easy", too.
Their visit has been a huge
Chuck and Cathy, I am so sorry to hear about your losses. The closest of them all is Duner. I know that he is in a better place now and I am thinking of you.
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