Wednesday, February 21, 2007

DUNEBUGGY died today

DUNEBUGGY (14 yo canine puppy-friend) died today...

Someday, maybe, I will tell his story (if, on my 'ayah-baba' plane, "DUNER" gives me permission...)

I'm not sure why, but all this GRIEF turmoil, let it flow, I guess...

Cathy, wife and friend, has been sharing immediate LOSS with me--e.g., we dined "out" and we hugged a bunch.

Duner's 'passing' is one more loss.

The loss of my friend, Mark, to cardiac arrest in his hotel room in Santa Cruz is yet one more loss.

There have been a BUNDLE (of "losses").

But the ETERNAL PROCREATOR AND PROVIDER is no swindler for s(he) resurrects what she takes unto HERself --keeping HOLI what she would cherish.

Trans.: "Creating anew from the chaos of thanatos"--even if EROS remains only as a cherished idealization (a la MAXFIELD PARRISH idealized themes).

This is not great writing; but, then again, I am not a writer--rather...i labor at writing!


At 8:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your losses, my sympathies. Be well.

At 5:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck, I'm so sorry about your losses. Good friends of any species are so hard to come by.

At 8:07 AM, Blogger chuck said...

marja-leena--thank you.

jess--amen...ain't that the truth!

It's a NEW this day I begin again, and now DUNER 'sees the world through my eyes' (in a manner of speaking)...

At 10:15 AM, Blogger LJ said...

I'm sorry to hear it, Chuck. It's hard and lonely and there is no such thing as being prepared.

At 11:30 AM, Blogger chuck said...

LJ-My GRANDSON of 19-mos. is here visiting with his "mommy-daddy".
Watching "basketball hoop" with Kaz has been mucho gaiety... Mommy and Daddy are "easy", too.
Their visit has been a huge

At 11:04 AM, Blogger The little but loud one said...

Chuck and Cathy, I am so sorry to hear about your losses. The closest of them all is Duner. I know that he is in a better place now and I am thinking of you.



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