Tuesday, October 04, 2005

How Do You "Spin" A Spoonful Of Peanut Butter Love

Okay...I spent a little time in internet and blogdom browse mode, so maybe now I am ready to slick up my blogsite a little. You know...like a makeover, "trendy" it up a little.

Like... if I am giving away "intellectual property" I might as well give my writing a Frederick's of Hollywood makeover: dress it in a sassy teddy to make my message more appealing. Maybe some mood music in the background. Maybe some subliminal video footage to create the right mood behind the printed word.

Ah...to hell with the printed word, the Frederick's of Hollywood makeover, the mood music, the video...why not just an in-your-face Hologram?

Ah, forget about the Hologram, about communication...what about LUNCH and a BOOK?


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