Let us be real.
The US occupation of the Middle East and Iraq is not about to end...even if the Democrats become the majority party.
The US occupied a disarmed Iraq precisely because Iraq had become disarmed...hence, no threat to invading troops.
The US is in the Middle East to stay...to secure oil for the longterm.
So, until I hear 'pols' decrying US Imperialism, I am not buying anyone's suggestion that the US is pulling out of the Middle East.
The "hunt for Bin Laden" and the "search for weapons of mass destruction" were simply pretexts for OCCUPATION and the warfare that ensues in establishing that occupation.
Exit strategy?
There never was an exit strategy, and there certainly is no serious exit strategy now.
The US will fritter away its manpower, human potential, material wealth, and "democratic principles" for the illusion of securing energy resources; and the US will try to maintain control of these resources by way of further military adventurism.
The longterm strategy is to secure the globe, the world--not by cooperation--but by OCCUPATION, by domination.
If I believed the Democrats have the vision and gumption to extricate us from this dreary cycle of violence, I would view the upcoming Democratic
landslide with delicious anticipation.
But I cannot.
Because, Folks, we are living in the IMPERIAL phase of the American Experience.
It isn't about Democrats v. Republicans or vice versa; the DEMOCRACY phase (such as it was) of the American Experience remains solely as an exercise in rhetoric and certain formulaic rituals.
If DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA had been a reality in the new millenium,
the OILIGARCHY would have packed their bags long ago.